Some of my favorites pics from summer

It’s hitting the end of August, kids (not mine) are back in school, Fall is a distant ache in the hearts of us Florida folks, but the “summer” is closing up shop – at least in our minds (the temperature outside won’t agree with us until Novemeber.) Here are some good shots we grabbed this Summa’:

A family pic!

Always smootchin’ , this one.

Or throwin’ things…

Joe caught this light early in the morning while on vacay in BlueRidge, GA

Miles learned there are still consequences on “Baycation” as he calls it. Also caught on camera by my Canadian Bacon, Joseph Chandler Loveless (who’s country of origin is Oh Canada!)

Picture turned painting, anyone? I usually don’t like this Photoshop filter but here it suits me just fine.

A good G’daddy usually has at least 2 G’babies hanging on him at all times.

Joe says if we had the Canon 5D or 7D, the blurry to in focus contrast in this pic would be better. I told him we are not professional photographers so the picture is just fine.

Here is Joe showing us how they fish in Canada – so he claims. I think not.

Action shot of my BIL, Action Jonny and his two pip-squeaks

Early morning rock to end our trip in GA…

But THEN we flew to the great north (Minnesota) to visit THIS GUY

Baby Eli – my brother Sean’s new bundle of cuteness

This is one of the world’s great new mommies. She’s my fav.

Oh! And my dad came.

But seriously – look at this mommy and yawning little. I’ll take credit for this shot. 🙂 (smiles proudly)

And this one of UncPat and his trusty gUI-tar.

All my sibs…a rare a beauteous occasion

And we’ll end it with another family shot!

I could go on forever posting pic after pic. There’s no one to stop me…accept a certain two year old who has just awoken from a nap.

Cheers to summer!

Miles 2nd birthday!

Nemo Party! Or “MEEMO PAARTY!” as Miles says. Our little fish turned 2 on August 6, so we had a little party with his cousins to celebrate the big day.

My friend, Meagan, made these to-die-for cupcakes! Oh, they only have Oreo cream cheese filling, is all AAAND an Oreo at the bottom of cupcake!

Hugs from Gavin…

Oh, and Meagan also made these almond sugar cookies to look like Peach from Finding Nemo. Ahhhhh-mazing.

The bday boy jumped from high places, per usual,

Looked generally studly,

Opened presents – a new “super guy” – what Miles calls any super hero

Partook of the delicious treats….

(am I talking too much about the desserts? They were really good though, seriously.)

My mom and Mike got Miles a hot wheels! It was a big hit:) He loooooves it.

Getch ‘ur motor running!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Miles Parker Loveless! I am amazed at so much about you these days but here are my top 5 things:

1. Your kindness. So often other parents have ooh-eh and awe-ed at moments when we are leaving the park or Chik Fil A and I’ve asked you say goodbye to your friends and you give hugs (un prompted) or look them in the eyes and say “bye bye”. When you’ve wronged a friend, you are quick to say “sawry” and tack on a hug for good measure, sometimes a tackle-hug, but a hug nonetheless. It expands my heart to see such goodness in you towards others. Makes a mommy proud.

2. Your LOVE for being with people you love. Mr. Social! It’s a little early to call it, but I won’t be surprised if you, my son, are an extravert. I love getting to ask you things like, “Wanna go to Nonna’s?” because your excitement meter goes through the roof.

3. Your clever-ness. Never to be thwarted in your plans, I’ve seen you move chairs, build towers, drag daddy and say the darn cutest things in your effort to explain whatever is so extremely necessary for you have/hold/play with/or eat in any given moment. You are a determined one, my son. Most of time after your daddy and I say No or put the iPad out of reach for the 100th time, we turn to each other so you can’t see and smile at what an awesome, clever kid we have. Such determination will serve you well in life:)

4. Your snuggly-ness. Such a love bug! I don’t know when this will change but I am soaking it up for all it’s worth these days. “I hold you?” is your snuggle phrase of choice. Such a good cuddler (this will also serve you well later in life:)

5. Your smarts. Just tonight after dinner, you brought me a dry erase board to color on and then said, “M-I-L-E-S. Miles. Yay!” and clapped for yourself. Daddy & I just laughed, amazed.

We love you, buddy. We love watching you grow and learn. We are privileged to be your parents; grateful that God entrusted us with you two short years ago. Happy birthday!

What in the what?!

I was sick today and spent the day in bed. {delightful, other than the stomach ache}

I had the time, though, to look through 2 years of pictures and videos. I mostly marveled at my kid (typical). I just couldn’t believe that in 2 years we’ve gone from this…

To this… (he hasn’t lost that stare down)

And here…

Oh and this…



How’d he get so big? (And dirty!)

And handsome.

Melt my goopy droopy heart. When I tucked him in bed tonight he said, “Eye ya you, mommy” (I love you, mommy) and then proceeded to give me a big ole smacker.

Eye ya you too, Miles.