Beach Day – New Smyrna, FL




Jon, Josh, & Joe







It was Miles’ first time at te beach. He loved it! We sat at the waters edge and as the waves came in he would splash and laugh. He also loved digging in the sand. Such a fun day with the cousins!!

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Divine Design

A friend has asked me to help stage her house for a charity event she is hosting. I went over today and took some pictures. Trying to tackle the empty walls and fire place. What to do, what to do? Would LOVE it if I could get an artist to donate peices and also have them in person at the event painting live. Thinking of using several mirrors/candles, light,knotty wood over the fireplace. We shall see! Off to shopping I go!

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O God, Gather Me

O God, gather me
to be with you
as you are with me.

Keep me in touch with myself,
with my needs,
my anxieties,
my angers,
my pain,
my corruptions,
That I may claim them as my own rather than blame them on someone else.

O Lord, deepen my wounds into wisdom;
shape my weakness into compassion;
gentle my envy into enjoyment,
my fear into trust,
my guilt into honesty.

O God, gather me
to be with you,
as you are with me.

By Ted Loder, Guerillas of Grace

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